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welcome to
the beauty of autumn

this season's

Fadilah Aka Tameni.
turning 20 this year.
An artistic Lady with a bright mind.
waiting for the right time to shine.

she always
craves for, wishes for

getting a good job.
getting a laptop.
my own room!!
change everything about me.

drop by and
leave a message

the sound of the
leaves falling off

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

the other seasons



OPSS mates

Bao Ling
Kimbery France

ITE schoolmates

Uncle EE
Mr Jason
Ms Sri
Violet Bro

cool art website


flip through the
past memories
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010
November 2010
December 2010
January 2011
February 2011
March 2011
April 2011
June 2011
July 2011
August 2011
September 2011
October 2011
January 2012
May 2012
September 2012
November 2012
December 2012
January 2013
March 2013
April 2013
June 2013

with love
applause please
x x x x

Monday 31 December 2007 Monday, December 31, 2007

HELLLOOOoo every1!!!
i dunnoe how many post i've been writing tis year...
but i bet is more thn 100 post..

woke up at 6am
bath, gotten ready in school uni..
thn waited 4 sanah at Iqah's place...
i tink is bout 7am..
go take e Bursary award tingy..
we went 4 a walk aft sanah bought her epok2..
sat down at a blk near where e bursary will b held at..
so we sat there and talk and talk and talk and talk..
show sanah my new camera!!!

so at bout 8am..
when 2 e venue 4 bursary...
took our breakfast..
guess wat!!! they gave us "MACDONALD BURGER"
gave us bout 2 burger... so many huh!!!
thn walk around.. sat at sanah place 4 abit..
saw AKH and Radio..
as perusually... non-stop-talking..
but AKH ok lah.. nvr talk tt much..
thn wen 2 set down at our sits..
whoah!!! sanah's sits and my sit is super duper far men!!!
anyway... waited n waited n waited.. like crazy ppl..
thn e Chairman CC came..
thn talk abit.. thn went down e row 2 give e bursary..
Ohmygosh... so long..
waited 4 another 15min b4 it was my turn...
sorri lah sanah bout it.. they 2 slow lah!!!
thn me n sanah went 2 sent my cheaque at POSB
soon sanah ask me 2 go find her a slipper..
cause she wore a small size sport shoe..
hahahahahaha... super funny..
thn she was like "Ah....... tts better!!!" aft wearing
those budget slipper..
so thn we took bus 811 back home..
thn reach home..
told my mum bout whole ting..
thn i watch tv abit..
nxt ting i noe is tt i fall asleep..
super tired lah...
thn woke up at bout 3pm..
watch tv.. clean home, dad came home
, askin 2 go out or not..?, said ok!!!, said where 2?...
i don even have any idea where 2 go 2..?
so mum suggested 2 go 2 Jalan Kayu...
wanna try out their prata..
reach there.. it was pack!!!
gosh!!! all sort of region came down 2 eat!!!
thn order paper thosai n Milo milk shake..
first came my drinks.. thn here it come's!!!
my food is so BIG!!! SUPER BIG!!!
so started 2 eat.. but in e end couldnt eat finish!! haha
was simply 2 much 4 me lah..
so finish up my drinks and whosh!!!

Dad drove 2 my uncle's Jamming studio!!
at thomson there...
reach there, tried 2 surprise my uncle but no effect!! ape seh!!!
so sat down.. watch tv.. did nothing much!!
thn my lil bro make so much racket!!!
ohmygosh!!! wat 2 do wit u lah!!!
so sat there and stare at tv..
at bout 9.30pm when back home..
but 1st dad sent my uncle family back home..
they stay at Miinqq place there!!
reach home.. watch tv.. relax and chill...
now playing internet..
gonner sleep soon!!!
eye's felt like closing oni!!!
kks thn i write more soon!!


time 4 photos...

on e right pic (tts how big e thosai is!! BIG RITE!!!)

(Lil bro trying 2 pose himself 2 a rockers!!!)


&thats the end of the season

Photos of e trip
Tuesday 25 December 2007 Tuesday, December 25, 2007

outing in KL....

outing 2 Genting Highland

inside e indoor Theme park.... (sis dying)

(Luckiest Chair in e world)

(Arghhh we're being eaten!!!)

(my family witout mum and lil bro)

tis is wat e outdoor themepark look like!!!
Morning og e last day at Genting Highland


&thats the end of the season

Return back from KL & Genting Highland...
Tuesday, December 25, 2007

i jus got back yesteday nite...
i miss u guys alot!!!
haha.. though i jus wen there 4 bout 5days...
ok ok now i tell u e whole story...

Gotten ready in e morning
cause will move out of Singapore at bout 10am..
thn 2 checkpoint...
thn stop over 2 my cousin place in JB (Kak Ana lah)
soon whole lot of us when 2 KL..
was a long ride in e car...
it took bout 4hr... i tink..
thn stopped over at Seremban 2 eat lah.. i tink is near Melaka...?
so long e road & u wanna starve urself huh!!!
okok.. aft eating
continueing on e road..
sleep 4 bout 1hr...
thn reach KL... finally..
waited 4 my autie who stay in KL come pick us up...
waited & waited & waited... bough some doughnut..
thn reach alreadi.. when over 2 my autie place..
reach there rest abit... relax lah..
thn KakAna decide 2 stay in a hotel...
so we when 2 sent them 2 e hotel..
thn we continue down e road see KLCC..
cool site at nite leh...
so beautiful.. all those light...
thn when back 2 e house & sleep...

woke up.. gotten ready..
thn father brought us around KL...
weather was kinda hot... hahaha.. wore 2 piece of clothes in me..
1st when over 2 KLCC...
alamak e price almost e same as if ur in Takashimaya...
almost e same... (tot i could find someting cheap in tt kind of place..)
aft a while stop over 2 eat in a restaurant called...
The Matthatan Fish Market.. i tnk tts wat they called it lah..
food were great... not 2 mention e rice.. SuperLicious..
thn wen out 2 find TimeSquare.. (Indoor Themepark wit Shopping centre)
place was kinda so far... so decided 2 take e LRT...
u noe wat!! all of us was super mad!!! ting din come 4 bout 30min..
plus e place was pack.. feel like shouting out 4 e train lah..
so KakAna suggest tt 2 go back into e hotel.. n decide 4 a place 2 go lah..
along e way... we when 2 e hotel cafetarie...
order myself a Chocolate Milkshake... Fuyooo.. super nice!!!
but e price pay fuyooo... tak blh angkat!!
thn sit in hotel...
"I see bed!!!" so i sank myself in2 e bed...
haha.. watch movie Gothika...
thn wen 2 lobby site 4 private usage lah.. i tink tts wat they call lah..
play internet 4 awhile..
thn back 2 hotel room.. sat abit...
at bout 7pm when out 4 dinner... when 2 some Kampong..eat dinner...
cause it was e cooking of kampong place lah...
4 sure nice 1 lah...
thn when back 2 aunt's place... Sleep..

woke up early in e morning..
gotten ready 2 go 2 Genting Highland...
thn when over 2 visit my late cousin's grave in KL...
since my family haven visit e place 4 along time..
thn when hotel... fetch Kak Ana & Abang Hidayat..
thn whoosh... of 2 Genting Highland..
trip took bout 30min frm KL..
so fast...
reach there check in e hotel near Genting Highland..
thn rest abit..
soon we when up 2 Genting Highland...
took cable car up there.. not so scary + ear's when blank...
reach there.. gotten down frm e cable car.. waited 4 my Family..
they're in another cable car..
e weather was cold...
luckily i wore 2 piece of clothes...
when around genting... saw alot of tings..
there were Neoprints & & even MaxTune 3!!!
ohmygosh... i bet those 2 might wanna go there & compete!!!
u noe who those 2 r lah...
so now.. whole lot of us when 2 e indoor Themepark..
place was kinda small lah.. but got alot of games..
walk walk walk walk around thn it was late..
so my Uncle staying in KL when back home 1st..
so it's now left wit my family n Abang Hidayat family..
aft tt Abang Hidayat & Kak Ana brought us in2 these place....
"Ridley's Believe it or not!!!"
place was cool.. n kinda crazy... haha
saw a statue... it says tt if women touch these statue, will get pregant..
so me n my sis stay away frm tt statue..
thn onwards... there were alot of riddles..
& we even sat in a "Luckiest Chair in the World!!"
haha... took a pic of it..
thn there was tis strange fish lookin thing..
& a big giant fish Jaw... more like an Dinosaur size..
oh ya... 4get 2 mention... there was also e most largest man in e world..
was like i ting more thn 2m high!!!
so thn me and my sis ran all over e place 2 look 4 souvenier...
tried 2 find a few but was super expensive!!! bout RM150 like tt...
thn went back 2 e hotel n rest + sleep..

woke up early...
bout 9am when 2 hav breakfast..
thn took car up 2 Genting Highland... (Abang Hidayat was scared 2 take e cable car again!!!)
hahahaha feel like laughing...
thgh my mum and busuh(my auntie) along wit my lil bro & Nuri(my niece)
decide 2 stay in e hotel.. while e rest when up into genting Highland...
weather was colder frm yesterday..
wore my jacket and whosh up 2 Genting Highland..
whn 2 e outdoor themepark... better thn Singapore themepark..
play quite a lot of game... i mean those daring game lah..
but thn i when dizzy lah... hahahahahahaha
thn eat in a kinda like KFC style fastfood.. called "MarryBrown"
thn play another game...
ok tell u wat game i played!!!

1st :
was some sit on chair and spin around lah..
2nd: play someting like space shuttle.. go up & down everyfast...
(my heart when on pomming like nuts... cause when e sit is goin down,
ur whole butt goes up!!!! & in a every fast speed some more..)
3rd: was a great rollercoaster ride.. tt when round n round n round...
(Abang Hidayat didnt play e game... cause he was abit scared... haha!!)
4th: not so haunted house place.. u'll b sitting 2by2 + got nobody 2 scared u..
5th: was another rollercoaster ride... (mini rollercoaster i prefer 2 say)
thn lastly we were waiting 4 e monorail ride...
skali it started 2 rain lah!!! alamak.. whole theme park shuts down..
cause scared of Electric Shock!!!

so decided 2 go back 2 e hotel...
anyway.. we spent our time in lining up..
wat a waste!!
rest abit... thn when 2 eat dinner..
thn back 2 hotel n sleep..

woke up again early in e morning...
but was last 2 bath... haiyo..
thn took pic of whole lot of us in Genting.. (but is kakAna who take pic..)
thn eat breakfast...
so aft tt we whosh 2 KL again..
when 2 my grandparent place (more 2 say Tok Wahid place)
sat there 4 2hr... thn we chiao 2 KL..
2 some shopping centre called Sungai dunnoe wat!!!
did a little shopping 4 my lil bro..
thn we chiao back 2 Singapore...
along e way... there was a Honda car trying 2 play wit Abang Hidayat car..
whn Abang Hidayt give way 2 e car, it didnt want 2 go forward...
but decided 2 follow Abang Hidayat car...
when Abang Hidayat when left e car also when left...
when right also go right.. so funny sia... (was bcause we were at e back of e car...)
thn stop over 2 a resting place.. (not sure wat place!!!)
thn eat abit... bought alots of chewy gum... thn we chiao go home..
so thn when we reach JB my family and KakAna family when separate ways...
reach Singapore gotten alot of SMS...
reach home guess wat...
my grandfathere staying wit us lock us out frm e inside of e house..
alamak.... leceh lah..
thn we knock & call e house like nuts...
until ppl look at us lah.. haha... my dad knock e door e loudest..
so we waited & waited until bout 30min later gonna b bout 12midnight..
my grandpop open e door...
now we're suppose 2 reach home at bout 11.20pm bcome 12midnight
thn go inside e house..
so tired...
thn bath & listen e music thn sleep..

woke up late 2day cause of yesterday's commotion..
now so tired 2 continue writing bout e whole event..
so jus wanna say
i couldnt find u guys someting good...
oh ya.. e pic will b in another page lah..
anyway... i'll b writing more soon..


&thats the end of the season

OFF 2 KL!!!
Thursday 20 December 2007 Thursday, December 20, 2007

2day goin 2 KL...
cant wait!!!
i'll b back by tuesday or wednesday!!!
gonna miss u guys alot!!!
i'll try n buy u guys someting hor!!!
see ya all soon!!
anyway.. u can go ahead & fill my tag wit anyting u wan..
i don mind at all..
but don write those rubbish stuff lah..


&thats the end of the season

HURAY!!!! 4 me!!!
Wednesday 19 December 2007 Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Yesterday jus gotten back my result...
i'm so danm happy!!!
these are my result tt i receive..

Sudject Grade
English - four
Mathematics - four
Science Syllt - two
Computer App - one
Basic Malay - four

even though i got tis type of marks,
i'm still happy...
so i'm gonna do my best for my student later on in ite..
when school at bout 1.30pm..
wit home clothes.. so leceh if wear school u..
(since later we'll b goin out wit my classmate...)
thn reach school, talk wit my daughter's and kimberly..
thn when up 2 hall..
every1 keep on seeing my class.. (since 1/2 of us wear home clothes)
later Mr Naf talk & talk & talk & talk... haiyo.. when wanna finish sia!!!
bout 2.45pm talk result..
1st ppl was i not sure who lah..
thn came my turn... so i when 2 Mdm Ang...
thn take result..
was like so happy when i saw my result..
i tot i could hav fail my science but i pass my science...
thn talk wit Mr Ramesh, (who came lookin 4 me askin 4 science result!!)
told him i got grade 2.. he was like happy...
well thn around 2 e others.. exchange our result slip...
thn i saw a few veri unbelievable result!!!
though i was abit proud of my result.. but i really got a hang aft seein Iqah's result...
aft tt me, zhimei, leepoh, Shawn, Adrian & Kahwai
when 2 seoul garden at woodland.. sorri lah sarah if i didnt invite u along..
haha.. cause i when out wit my frends lah..
all dying 2 take taxi go there..
so we went separate ways..
1st taxi : me, leepoh & Shawn
2nd taxi : Zhimei, Adrian, Kahwai
in taxi got alot of things 2 talk about lah.
thn reach causeway.. shawn pay 4 us..
Thanks Shawn...
thn waited 4 e rest thn we chiao inside Seoul Garden..
eat none stop... eat ice-cream lah, ice kachang lah..
got alot more lah.. jus got 2 many 2 type lah..
so i kinda lazy 2 type lah..
aft eating we when 2 watch movie..
Alvin and the Chipmunks..
e show was super cute!!!
couldnt resist watchin it lah..
Adrian who alreadi heard e song ask me go download e song..
haiyo... but e songs all veri cute leh..
thn aft tt we when home..
i took bus home.. lazy 2 walk home lah...
thn bath.. do my result ting...
thn i playin internet n when 2 sleep..

might b goin out 2 sent my result ting lah.
haiyo so leceh...
b write more soon..



&thats the end of the season

Result day comin!!!
Friday 14 December 2007 Friday, December 14, 2007



&thats the end of the season

Friday, December 14, 2007

it's my dad 46th birthday..
haiyo.. his getting older by e day..
so happy..
anyway.. yesterday e 4 girls went out..
i mean Iqah, Aleen, Sanah n Lynda!!!
I didnt go out lah... do i look like i care..
once in e while don go out wit ur frends is also not bad...
kinda relax at home...
wen to 800 buy cake 4 me dad!!!
brough along my lil bro..
along e way, he kept on hoping here n there..
he even kick me!!!
(wat can u do...? u noe lah.. tis 3yr old lil bro of mine!!)
haiyo.. (but thn i also kick him back!!) hehe...
Evil me!!!
when back home, mum cook so many yummy food!!
thn wait 4 my dad come home..
thn we celebrate lah..
take pic here n there.. (but all e pics in my mum phone lah...)
haha.. i lazy use my camera... cause soon goner get a new phone...
i siao alreadi lah..
eat eat eat... thn cake... so nice...
i chose leh... mus b nice lah.. n some more cheap..
bout $16!!! Cheap rite!!!
kks.. aft tt.. cleanin dish.. bath thn watch tv...
thn again.. at midnight, wat else.. play internet lah!!!
Danny, Ming n Koon on9..
talk 2 them abit..
thn they ask me if wanna go 4 a class gathering..
so i said.. OK lor..
1st danny tot of doing a bbq.. (but indoor!!!)
so i suggest 2 him go "Seoul Garden"
he says "Tt's a good idea...!!!"
thn we gosip bout some tings..
super funny lah..
danny keep on calling me Santa Clause..
but wit no present!!! hohohohoho!!
anyway.. thn read manga online..
thn bout 3, lights off.. GNite!!!

kinda overslept..
woke up at 11.55am..
fuyoooo... so late..haha
thn bath.. eat, clean house, watch tv...
now playing internet hor..
got nothing 2 do lah.... i tink i'll jus post tis up lah!!!
kks... now e photo in my mum phone..
i tink i go bluetooth them now!!! hehex!!!


(lil bro showing some punk style!!!)

(my dad wasn't wearing t-shirt in tis pic.. so i had him wear 1 haha!!!^^)

p.s: if u guys r readin tis.. i jus wanna ask u all.. if u guys wanna go seoul garden
on result day.. cause me n danny was tinkin of having our last class gathering...!!!)
Hope u guys reply soon!!!

&thats the end of the season

Outing Non-STOP!!
Monday 10 December 2007 Monday, December 10, 2007

jus got back frm malaysia..
been goin out this few days...
so boring sia... got nothing much 2 do..
except play my cousin PSP..
few days back when 2 Causeway Point..
my dad wanna check out handphone..
(Friday) soon my dad decided 2 buy e phone which he wanted..
guess wat happen... Shop close!!
my dad was so Freaking Angry sia!!1
hahaha.. mcm jadi..
thn when over 2 Mak Ngah place.. my autie place lah..
talk with my cousins.. thn went back home.. Haiyo
so play internet thn went 2 sleep..

(Saturday) bout 5am.. had 2 wake up...
thn family chiao 2 JB... so tired!!!
thn reach cousin place sleep abit.. yawn... Super Tired!!!
eat breakfast... watch tv.. play PSP... got lots of game!!
thn slack at Sofa till nite...
Watch match Singapore vs Malaysia!!! 1/1.. Draw!!!

Eat & eat & eat & eat!! NON-Stop... eh got stop hor!!!
drink Spackle juice...
thn watch another match... ManU vs Der... dunnoe wat country lah!!!
3/1... alamak... got also play own goal... HAHAHA!!!
thn all make so much noise... "GOALLLLLL!!!" again!! alamak!!
thn when outside 2 play a game.. dunnoe wat game it is..
mus guess e word lah.. but 1 ting is..
it was about 11pm n we make alot of noise...
Kak Mah lah!!! my cousin.. make such a lot noise!!!
sleep at bout 1.30am..

(Sunday) woke up nxt day at 7.30am...
super cant sleep.. so pain sia..
bath.. clean room.. eat breakfast..
thn gotten ready 2 go home... thn someting came in...
my dad n Abang Hidayat bought pizzas....
thn went back 2 Singapore..
soon my dad decide 2 go 2 IMM.. buy his phone lah..
waited 4 queue bout 1hr... SO LONG!!!
thn our turn... finally...
dad decide 2 buy Sony Ecrisson W580i
aiyaaa... tt Shake shake shake phone lah..
me!! I cant wait 2 get my new phone also...
planning 2 buy k770i... 3.2megapixel leh!!
fufufufufufuhohohohohoho.. ok i siao alreadi...
anyway... reach home.. thn went to bath.. eat, internet thn sleep..

so here r e pics:
didnt take alot.. cause kinda lazy lah...

Christmas tree at Causeway

Cousin's cookin at BBQ pit!!!!


&thats the end of the season

NIce wind blewing towards me so HARD!!!
Wednesday 5 December 2007 Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Yoz!!! I've been goin out these few days..
but thn Yesterday i jus wen out wit Sanah!!!
had alot of fun wit her lah..
when library thn eat at Yu kun Toast..
super delicious..
thn walk around Northpoint...
whn 2 find lynda's birthday present..
but was kinda hard lah..
so decide 2 go 2 Khatib pasar mlm..
walk around there..
Sanah bought someting..
i wen around looking 4 tight pants..
I tink i cost bout $10...
when 2 buy some tings which my mum ask me 2 buy..
like baby milk n chicken....?
sooo aft tt, Sanah sent me till 7-11 near 2 my place there..
thn reach home..
take a rest.. bath, eat...
thn my dad ask go out again..
this time we went 2 Orchard 2 see e light... (Lampu Laplip!!!)

feel like goin there agian..
but u must go at nite thn e scenery nice!!!
took a few pics lah..
but 2 bad.. e pics all so woobly.. means not nice lah!!
soon aft tt wen 2 Changi Airport..
saw lots of plane..
thn stop by at Changi Beach.. Soon reach there..
when i got out there..
wind so cold sia...
it was so cold tt i should hav brought my jacket wit me...
so took a few pics wit my lil bro..
but 1 ting is.. he kept on moving everywhere..
cant get a proper shot....
thn we wen home..
reach home when watch tv... oni 2 realize tt i fell asleep...
it was bout 2am... but thn i on com n started playing internet..
ended up sleeping at 4.30am..

2day... i might b goin 2 my uncle place..
i mean his studio...
cause his studio has some known artist visiting..
well i tink 2day. Aliff aziz is coming 2 my uncle's studio..
4 someting... I don even cared bout tt lah..
kk thn will b write more soon!!!


lil bro hiding bhind e pole...

Arghhh!!! Fly high... but ur flying so low!!!

frm here


&thats the end of the season

A hiking of my life
Sunday 2 December 2007 Sunday, December 02, 2007

it's been a long time since i wrote a post..
sorri lah... been so buzy wit looking 4 work lah..
but still cant find any... haiyo
Well anywy.. my family hav been planning 2 go holiday..
Well they all still planning bout it..

oh.. yesterday when 2 eat at Pasir Panjang with my family..
but 1st we decided 2 go 2 Mount Faber..
I wouldnt wan 2 tell u tis... but e place is so FREAKIN FAR!!!
I tink if u walk up 2 e peak of e mount.. ur so GONNA B DEAD MEN!!!
& e worst part is e road is so FREAKING CURVY!!!
tt y i got tis headache till now!!!
arghh!! wat a pain in e neck!! but e place so nice seh.. u can see cable car..
n all those stuff... thn
my dad drove up n down e mount sia!!
my family head was like all dying alreadi!!! HAHA!!
thn manage 2 go down e mount safely...
but my head still headache till thn..
soon we reach at Pasir Panjang food court...
went 2 order mee Goreng... was kinda nice lah..
but i tink my mum's cookin is more nice!!
eat Mee goreng n Milo Dinosaur drink!! FUYOOO!! DELICIOUS!!
haha.. tts is 2 me lah.. but 2 u guys i don noe lah..
anyway.. wen home aft tt
reach home watch tv.. play internet..
decide 2 go chatting wit e others at habbo.com.sg but all not there!!!
haiyo!! i told u guys alreadi wat!! i go on9 at bout mignight++
sorri lah... but is my hot spot time lah!!
thn wen 2 sleep at bout 3.30am.. so late sia!!

2day.. woke up wit a noisy enviroment in my house..
alamak.. tis lil bro of my lah.. make so much noise!!
thn i cannot sleep alreadi!!! Alamak!! u buat hal aje lah!!
anyway.. will b goin 2 johor 4 a while...
my dad wanna polish his car at my cousin's place..
i'll update soon!!

frm here


&thats the end of the season